A UFO sighting is like a spark in the night – fleeting, mesmerizing, and often dismissed as an illusion.

But what if we were to consider these sparks as meaningful signals, especially when reported by those who navigate our skies professionally – commercial pilots? It’s an interesting prospect, wrapped in layers of uncertainty and intrigue.

Let’s dive into the world of unexplained aerial phenomena, examining the pilots’ experiences, underreporting due to stigma, and how transparency in this field is slowly but surely taking flight.

Key Insights

Commercial pilots often underreport encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) due to the existing stigma and lack of standardized reporting procedures. 

However, steps are being taken to enhance transparency and understanding of these sightings through provisions in legislation like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and discussions in congressional hearings. 

These efforts aim to foster a more open environment for discussing UFO encounters, thereby aiding in our comprehension of these extraordinary events.

Pilot UFO Sightings Overview

Pilot UFO sightings have long been a subject of intrigue and curiosity. These encounters often involve pilots from various backgrounds, including military and commercial aviation. The experiences reported by pilots can provide valuable insights into unknown aerial phenomena and raise questions about possible explanations.

One of the most well-known pilot UFO sightings occurred in 2014, when a former Navy pilot spotted an unknown object off the coast of Virginia Beach. According to the pilot, the object was so unfamiliar that it left him and his fellow pilots perplexed.

Similarly, a whistleblower recently testified about a sighting involving an object flying between two F-18 aircraft, coming within 50 feet of them.

In light of such incidents, some pilots are growing concerned about the potential threats posed by unidentified aerial phenomena. Lack of public and official interest in UFOs, as mentioned by another former Navy fighter pilot, could hinder efforts to understand and address national security implications.

Not all pilot UFO sightings, however, are linked to potential security risks. Many encounters report sightings of objects that display unusual characteristics, such as rapid acceleration, high maneuverability, and the ability to disappear from sight.

Notable Pilot Encounters

David Fravor Incident

In 2004, David Fravor, a Navy pilot, had a remarkable encounter off the coast of California. Fravor came across a large object, now famously known as the “Tic Tac” due to its shape. The object demonstrated extraordinary capabilities, as it moved in ways that conventional aircraft couldn’t match.

This incident has since become one of the most well-documented and publicly discussed examples of a UFO sighting by a military pilot. Fravor’s testimony has played a significant role in propelling the legitimization of UFO discussions.

Ryan Graves Encounter

Another notable sighting occurred when Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot, reported seeing unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) during his missions near Virginia Beach. Graves described the objects he encountered as dark grey or black cubes inside a clear sphere. These sightings were not isolated incidents, and other pilots in the area also reported similar encounters.

Throughout these incidents, both Fravor and Graves have emphasized the importance of investigating and understanding these encounters, especially given the potential implications for national security.

Their experiences, along with the whistleblower David Grusch, have contributed to advancing the conversation around UFOs and UAPs, leading to congressional hearings and greater scrutiny on the subject.

UFOs in our skies

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Characteristics of UAPs

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) have been a topic of interest among pilots, intelligence officials, and the public for quite some time. Many reports suggest that UAPs display unique characteristics that seem to defy our understanding of known technologies.

For instance, in some cases, these objects have been observed to have no visible propulsion systems or appear to use technology beyond what is currently known in our world. UAPs can come in various shapes and sizes, with one pilot even recalling an encounter with a mysterious cube-shaped object.

In recent years, there has been a growing number of pilot accounts and testimonies suggesting that these phenomena are not merely isolated incidents, but rather an “open secret” among fighter pilots.

A noteworthy example is when Lt. Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot, testified before a House subcommittee about his experiences with UAPs. These intriguing stories have caught the attention of government officials and policy-makers.

UAP Task Force

As a result of this increasing interest and mounting evidence, the U.S. government has established the UAP Task Force to investigate these phenomena further. This task force is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting on reports on these unidentified objects and their potential national security implications.

We’ve mentioned above, that one significant revelation came from whistleblower Maj. David Grusch, an ex-Air Force officer, who claimed that the U.S. has a secret UFO study and reverse-engineering program investigating unidentified aerial phenomena. While the Pentagon has denied this allegation, the UAP Task Force continues to explore the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic objects.

The ongoing work of the UAP Task Force and the involvement of various intelligence officials highlight the significance these unidentified flying objects hold in the eyes of the government.

Though the complete understanding of UAPs is still far from being fully grasped, the testimonies and accumulated data provide valuable insights about these perplexing events.

Commercial Pilots and UFO Sightings

Underreporting Due to Stigma

Commercial pilots have been experiencing encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) for quite some time.

However, due to the stigma associated with these sightings, many pilots hesitate to discuss or report them openly. This has led to underreporting of UFO sightings in the aviation industry.

A major factor contributing to this stigma is the skepticism surrounding the topic of UFOs. Many people still consider UFO sightings to be a fringe concept, and pilots might worry about being labeled as unreliable or unprofessional if they were to disclose their experiences.

As a result, commercial pilots often refrain from discussing their sightings with colleagues or aviation authorities.

Besides the stigma, commercial pilots may also face a lack of standardized reporting procedures for UFO encounters. This gap in the system further discourages them from documenting their experiences.

One solution to this could be the implementation of a standardized process for reporting UFO sightings, as suggested by former pilot Ryan Graves. Providing a formal way for pilots to report these events could help remove the stigma and encourage open discussion about these sightings in the aviation community.

To better understand and assess the true extent of commercial pilots’ encounters with UFOs, it is crucial to address the stigma and reporting issues.

Efforts to standardize guidelines for reporting UFO sightings and fostering a more open environment for discussing these events will not only help improve our understanding of UFO phenomenon, but also help commercial pilots feel more comfortable sharing their experiences.

Government Response and Congressional Oversight

National Defense Authorization Act

In response to growing concerns regarding pilot UFO sightings, the U.S. government has been taking steps to address and understand these events.

A significant development is the inclusion of specific provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This legislation serves as a framework to ensure proper oversight and increased transparency from the Pentagon in regards to UFO sightings and their potential impact on national security.

The NDAA provisions outline the need to provide regular updates on the progress of investigations and any new findings to Congress. This measure is meant to enhance the flow of information while ensuring that national security priorities are met.

House Subcommittee Hearing

To further their efforts in addressing UFO sightings, a House Subcommittee Hearing was held, focusing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). The bipartisan event featured testimonies from military veterans and other experts in the field.

During the congressional hearing, government officials and lawmakers pushed for more transparency on UFOs, stressing the need for the Pentagon to share findings and updates with Congress regularly.

Rep. Tim Burchett played a significant role in this hearing, emphasizing the importance of understanding the potential national security threats that UFOs may pose. The information shared during the hearing provided valuable insights into the ongoing efforts by the U.S. government to uncover more about these UFO sightings while enforcing a high level of oversight and transparency.

As a result of these efforts, the government is demonstrating its commitment to addressing the concerns surrounding pilot UFO sightings and taking necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of the nation.

The NDAA and House Subcommittee Hearing are instrumental in promoting transparency, increased information sharing, and facilitating progress in understanding the nature of UFOs and the implications they may have on our national security.

Do pilots see UFOs?

Military Sightings and Investigations

U.S. Navy Encounters

In recent years, there have been numerous reports of U.S. Navy pilots encountering unidentified flying objects (UFOs) during their missions.

These sightings often involve radar tracking and visual confirmation by the witnesses themselves, with some encounters even being captured on videos. The objects display extraordinary speed and maneuverability, which raises questions about their origin and intentions.

One notable incident occurred off the coast of San Diego, where pilots from a squadron of Navy F-18 fighters reported multiple encounters with UFOs while conducting training exercises. The objects displayed incredible accelerations and abrupt changes in direction, defying conventional understanding of aerodynamics and physics. Such encounters have led to increased scrutiny and interest from both the military and the public.

Intelligence Agencies’ Involvement

The increased frequency of these sightings has piqued the interest of various intelligence agencies, prompting further investigation into the nature of these unidentified phenomena.

The U.S. Navy has acknowledged the existence of these encounters and has implemented new guidelines for reporting UFO sightings, highlighting the importance of understanding the potential threat they may pose to national security.

Further involvement of intelligence agencies can be seen in the recent congressional hearing featuring testimony from former military pilots. These pilots recounted their UFO sightings to provide a clearer picture of the frequency and details of these encounters.

The aim of these hearings is to push for transparency and improve the understanding of the potential risks these unexplained objects may present.

The Role of Air Traffic Control and FAA

Safety Reports

Air traffic control (ATC) plays a significant role in maintaining safety and order within the aviation industry. When it comes to unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or more recently called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), ATC and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are responsible for addressing and responding to such incidents.

Interestingly, the FAA has specific guidelines for air traffic controllers regarding how to handle reports of UAP sightings. In cases where pilots report possible UFO encounters, air traffic controllers play a crucial role in facilitating the communication between pilots, other aircraft nearby, and the FAA.

The FAA is responsible for collecting data on UAP sightings, as they aim to maintain the safety of all passengers and crew in the aviation industry. In fact, the FAA has recently updated its Order JO 7110.65Z – Air Traffic Control to include the handling of UAP reports. This document outlines the procedures and phraseology that air traffic controllers should use when faced with a UAP sighting.


Effective communication between pilots, air traffic controllers, and the FAA is crucial when dealing with any potential threats to aviation safety. As UAP sightings can pose a risk to aircrew, passengers, and other air traffic, it is vital that all involved parties share information and insights collaboratively.

In particular, pilot reports of UAP sightings can help the FAA investigate potential risks and take appropriate action if needed.

While the FAA does not actively track UFO or UAP sightings by commercial airline pilots, they emphasize the importance of reporting any unexplained phenomena to relevant channels, such as the National UFO Reporting Center.

The FAA also works closely with a UAP Task Force, which focuses on analyzing unidentified objects spotted by military sources, such as U.S. Navy pilots, between 2004 and 2021.

Unexplained Aerial Phenomena and Physics


Unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs) often involve objects with mysterious acceleration capabilities. These objects are sometimes observed by pilots, who are professionally trained to observe and report aerial events.

Many UAPs exhibit acceleration patterns that seem to defy the known laws of physics. For example, these objects can reportedly accelerate from a standstill to incredible speeds in just a matter of seconds.

The acceleration reported in some UAP sightings challenges our understanding of current propulsion technologies. The sudden acceleration of these objects could indicate advanced technology that has not yet been discovered or understood by mainstream science. This leaves experts and researchers puzzled about the true nature of these mysterious phenomena.


UAPs have also been observed in space, potentially indicating that they might not be exclusive to Earth’s atmosphere. These sightings further support the notion that unexplained aerial phenomena could involve more than just aircraft or other human-made objects. Some theories suggest that UAPs could be objects or beings from outside our known universe or even from other dimensions.

In some cases, UAPs are seen performing maneuvers that seem impossible for conventional aircraft or satellites to achieve. These extraordinary capabilities suggest that these mysterious objects might not be constrained by the same limitations as human-made machines.

As a result, scientists and researchers are continuously working to better understand these unexplained aerial phenomena and how they fit within the known laws of physics.

Extraterrestrial Possibilities

In recent years, credible reports have surfaced about encounters between pilots and unidentified flying objects. These incidents have raised the possibility of extraterrestrial involvement and have sparked conversations about what these objects may reveal.

Extraterrestrial Materials

In some cases, materials of unknown origins have been found in connection with UFO sightings. According to a recent report, a whistleblower testified about the discovery of “non-human” biologics in relation to UFO sightings.

By examining these materials, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of the potential technology and intelligence behind these objects.

At the same time, other pilots detailed the existence of craft they described as a “Tic Tac,” or clear sphere, that exhibited advanced capabilities far beyond human technology. The materials associated with these unidentified flying objects hint at possible extraterrestrial involvement.

Crash Sites

Another aspect of the UFO phenomenon centers on mysterious crash sites that have been kept under wraps by authorities. For example, witnesses testified before the United States Congress about possible encounters and the government’s secrecy on the matter. In some instances, these crash sites have yielded evidence suggesting the existence of extraterrestrial technology.

These crash sites not only fuel ongoing speculation about the origins of these objects, but also raise questions about how governments might be handling the information. With a greater spotlight on these topics, the public may begin to learn more about their potential significance.

While direct evidence of extraterrestrial life continues to elude us, pilot testimonies and the materials found in relation to UFO sightings offer compelling hints towards the possibility of otherworldly encounters. As research progresses, further insights may soon be revealed.

Promoting Transparency

In recent years, there has been a growing call for increased transparency regarding UFO sightings, particularly from pilots. This push for openness comes as more and more credible cases come to light. One such instance is the New York Times publishing multiple reports on pilot UFO sightings.

The New York Times Reporting

The New York Times has contributed significantly to raising awareness and promoting transparency on pilot UFO sightings. Their reports detail encounters by experienced pilots with unidentified aerial phenomena, prompting calls for more in-depth investigations and open discussions among government officials.

A key figure advocating for increased transparency in this area is Senator Chuck Schumer. He has been vocal in expressing his concern about the lack of information available to both the public and government officials regarding these incidents.

Schumer believes that greater transparency is crucial to understanding and addressing potential national security issues.

The Pentagon has also begun to participate in the push for transparency. Department of Defense spokespersons have acknowledged the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which aims to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena.

This public recognition by the Pentagon is a significant step toward greater transparency and openness in discussing UFO sightings.

The friendly and cooperative attitude of various entities, including the New York Times, Chuck Schumer, and the Pentagon, has helped to ensure that the topic of pilot UFO sightings receives the attention it deserves.

Their collective efforts in promoting transparency may help uncover new insights and ultimately lead to a better understanding of these mysterious events.

Final Thoughts

In the fascinating world of UFO sightings and the commercial pilots brave enough to share their experiences, we find a crossroads of skepticism and curiosity, a junction where the ordinary meets the extraordinary.

As we step into an era of increased transparency and open dialogue, we can only hope that the shroud of mystery enveloping these unexplained aerial phenomena begins to lift. It’s an exciting time to be an observer, indeed, as the stigma starts to fade and conversations ignite.

The road ahead may be full of the unknown, but isn’t that where the best journeys begin?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most famous UFO sightings reported by pilots?

Some of the most renowned UFO sightings reported by pilots include the 2004 USS Nimitz encounter and the 1986 JAL 1628 incident. In the USS Nimitz case, Navy pilot David Fravor witnessed an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), with a recorded video that later went viral. Meanwhile, the JAL 1628 encounter involved a commercial pilot sighting multiple unidentified objects near Alaska.

Have any commercial pilots encountered UFOs during flights?

Yes, commercial pilots have reported encountering UFOs during flights. For example, the aforementioned JAL 1628 incident involved a Japanese commercial pilot witnessing multiple UFOs during a flight from Paris to Tokyo.

Do military pilots regularly report UFO encounters?

Military pilots frequently witness unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) during their missions. For instance, Lieutenant Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot, has testified about multiple encounters with unidentified objects over the Atlantic Ocean.

Are there any cases of pilots chasing down UFOs?

Several pilots have attempted to chase down UFOs, including Navy pilot David Fravor from the 2004 USS Nimitz encounter. However, these UFOs often demonstrate advanced maneuverability and speed, making it difficult for pilots to keep up with them.

What is the most recent UFO sighting reported by a pilot?

On July 26, 2023, a congressional hearing featured eyewitness testimony from former pilots recounting their UFO sightings. The hearing aimed to promote transparency and gain a deeper understanding of these unexplained phenomena.

Have any pilot UFO sightings been confirmed as unexplainable?

Some pilot UFO sightings remain unexplained despite extensive analysis. For example, the 2004 USS Nimitz encounter witnessed by Navy pilot David Fravor is still considered unexplainable due to the object’s advanced capabilities and maneuverability.