If you’re in the market for a high wing, fabric covered light sport airplane, you might want to consider the Bush Cat. While there are several similar planes out there, the Bush Cat stands out for a couple of reasons. First, it uses a unique construction philosophy that involves assembling the fuselage out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets, and covering it with a sewn trilaminate composite material that comes from the factory already colored and striped. This results in a flexible plane that can handle plus six to minus four G’s, and can be built in as little as 250 hours.

Another thing that sets the Bush Cat apart is its zebra costume. While most planes of this type are painted, the Bush Cat comes from the factory covered in fabric that is already colored and striped. This gives it a distinctive look that is sure to turn heads at the airport. Plus, the side-by-side seating and curved cowl make it easy to see over the nose on the ground.

Key Takeaways

  • The Bush Cat is a high wing, fabric covered light sport airplane that stands out for its unique construction philosophy and zebra costume.
  • It can handle plus six to minus four G’s and can be built in as little as 250 hours.
  • The side-by-side seating and curved cowl make it easy to see over the nose on the ground.

Bush Cat Overview

If you’re in the market for a unique and affordable light sport aircraft, the Bush Cat may be just what you’re looking for. Unlike many of its peers, the Bush Cat uses an alternative construction technique that allows for low build times and a more flexible overall design.

The fuselage of the Bush Cat is assembled by the builder out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets, and the fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material that comes from the factory already colored with stripes. This yields a plane that is fairly flexible and can handle plus six to minus four G’s.

In addition to its unique construction, the Bush Cat also stands out for its zebra costume, which comes cut to shape and is laced together at the seams by the builder. This design means that the Bush Cat is easy to see over the nose on the ground, thanks to its side-by-side seating and curved cowl.

Overall, the Bush Cat is a great choice for pilots looking for a unique and affordable light sport aircraft. With a 250-hour build time, it’s one of the fastest construction times you’ll find, and it’s a reliable and safe option with only seven reported accidents, all of which were pilot error and none of which resulted in fatalities.

Construction Philosophy

The Bush Cat airplane uses a unique construction philosophy that sets it apart from other similar planes. Unlike most planes that are built on a welded steel frame fuselage and covered in synthetic material, the Bush Cat’s fuselages are assembled by the builder out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets. The fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material, essentially the same thing that sails are made of on sailboats, and it comes from the factory already colored with stripes and all. It comes cut to shape and is laced together at the seams by the builder.

This construction philosophy yields a few benefits. The plane overall is fairly flexible, allowing it to move more in the wind than planes with welded steel frames. The Bush Cat is rated from plus six to minus four G’s, which is pretty high. Additionally, the unique construction means low build times, with Skyridge claiming 250 hour build times, which is incredibly fast.

The Bush Cat also comes in a tricycle or tail wheel configuration, and because it’s side by side and the cowl is so curved in a cat shape, it’s very easy to see over the nose on the ground. The plane costs less than many of its peers and uses an alternative construction technique. The black color scheme is also unique and visually striking.

There have been seven accident reports involving Bush Cats, all of which were pilot error, and none included fatalities. Overall, the Bush Cat’s construction philosophy offers flexibility, low build times, and unique design features that set it apart from other planes in its class.

Unique Features

The Bush Cat is a unique and interesting aircraft that stands out from its peers in several ways. Firstly, it uses a different construction philosophy compared to other light sport planes. Instead of being built on a welded steel frame fuselage and covered in synthetic material, the Bush Cat’s fuselage is assembled by the builder out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets. The fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material, similar to what sails are made of on sailboats. This material comes from the factory already colored with stripes and all, and is laced together at the seams by the builder.

This construction method yields a few benefits. The plane is fairly flexible, allowing it to move more in the wind compared to a welded steel frame. Additionally, this design means that build times are significantly reduced. Skyridge claims that the Bush Cat can be built in just 250 hours, which is incredibly fast for an aircraft of this type.

Another unique feature of the Bush Cat is its zebra costume. It’s the only light sport plane that comes from the factory in this distinctive black and white striped pattern. This, combined with its curved cowl and side-by-side seating configuration, makes it easy to see over the nose on the ground.

In terms of performance, the Bush Cat is rated from plus six to minus four G’s, which is quite high compared to its peers. Additionally, there have been only seven accident reports involving Bush Cats, all of which were pilot error and none of which resulted in fatalities.

Overall, the Bush Cat is a cost-effective, unique, and easy-to-build light sport plane that stands out from the crowd.

Advantages and Ratings

The Bush Cat is a unique airplane that stands out from its peers in several ways. Firstly, its construction philosophy is different from most other planes, as the fuselages are assembled by the builder out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets, and the fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material that comes from the factory already colored stripes and all. This yields a plane that is fairly flexible and can move in the wind, making it a great choice for flying in windy conditions.

In terms of ratings, the Bush Cat is rated from plus six to minus four G’s, which is higher than some of its peers like the Kit Fox and the Highlander. Additionally, there have been seven accident reports involving Bush Cats, all of which were pilot error and none included fatalities.

Another advantage of the Bush Cat is its low build times. Skyridge claims 250 hour build times, which is much faster than most other kit planes. The plane also comes in a tricycle or tail wheel configuration, and the tail wheel version is particularly easy to see over the nose on the ground due to its side-by-side seating and curved cowl.

Overall, the Bush Cat is a cost-effective and unique option for those looking to build or buy a light sport aircraft. Its alternative construction techniques, high ratings, and low build times make it a great choice for adventurous pilots.

Build Times

The Bush Cat is known for its low build times, making it a popular choice for those who want to get in the air quickly. It uses a unique construction philosophy that sets it apart from other planes in its class.

While most planes in this category are built on a welded steel frame fuselage and covered in various synthetic materials, the Bush Cat’s fuselage is assembled by the builder out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets. The fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material, similar to what sails are made of on sailboats.

This construction method yields a few benefits, such as increased flexibility. The Bush Cat can move more in the wind than a welded steel frame plane. Additionally, the plane is rated from plus six to minus four G’s, which is comparable to other planes in its class.

Skyridge claims that the Bush Cat can be built in as little as 250 hours, which is significantly faster than other planes in its class. Even if it takes double that time, 500 hours is still the fastest build time for a kit plane.

Overall, the Bush Cat’s unique construction method and low build times make it an attractive option for those looking to get in the air quickly.

Configuration Options

The Bush Cat offers a unique construction philosophy that sets it apart from other planes in its class. Instead of a welded steel frame fuselage, the fuselage is assembled by the builder using aluminum tubes and steel brackets. The fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material, which comes from the factory already colored with stripes and all. This yields a few advantages, including a fairly flexible plane that can handle wind better than its steel-framed counterparts.

Additionally, the Bush Cat comes from the factory in a zebra costume, which is sure to turn heads on the runway. The plane is also available in both tricycle and tail wheel configurations. The side-by-side seating arrangement and curved cowl make it easy to see over the nose on the ground.

With a low build time of only 250 hours, the Bush Cat is a great option for those looking to get in the air quickly. It’s also less expensive than many of its peers, making it an economical choice for pilots on a budget. The Bush Cat is rated from plus six to minus four G’s, which is comparable to other planes in its class.

Overall, the Bush Cat offers a unique construction method, eye-catching design, and low build times, making it a great option for pilots looking for something different.

Personal Preferences and Suggestions

When it comes to choosing a light sport airplane, personal preferences play a big role in the decision-making process. The Bush Cat offers a unique construction philosophy that sets it apart from other planes in its class. Additionally, it comes from the factory in a zebra costume, which adds to its distinctive appearance.

One of the benefits of the Bush Cat’s construction is its flexibility. Unlike planes built on a welded steel frame fuselage, the Bush Cat’s fuselage is assembled by the builder out of aluminum tubes and steel brackets. The fabric covering is a sewn trilaminate composite material, which gives the plane a bit of wiggle room in windy conditions.

In terms of build times, the Bush Cat is a standout. Skyridge claims a build time of just 250 hours, which is significantly faster than other planes in its class. Plus, the low build time means that you can get flying sooner.

If you’re interested in the Bush Cat, you have the option of choosing a tricycle or tail wheel configuration. The tail wheel version is particularly easy to see over the nose on the ground, thanks to the plane’s side-by-side seating and curved cowl.

While the Bush Cat has many positive attributes, there are a couple of suggestions for improvement. Firstly, it would be helpful if the flap stick and trim were not all on the same side of the pilot. This would make it easier to use both controls simultaneously. Additionally, the door could benefit from a spring to hold it open, as the current stick solution is not ideal.

Overall, the Bush Cat is a great choice for those looking for an alternative construction technique and a distinctive appearance.


If you’re in the market for a unique, lightweight, and affordable aircraft, the Bush Cat might be the perfect fit for you. Its construction philosophy is different from its peers, as it uses aluminum tubes and steel brackets for the fuselage and a sewn trilaminate composite material for the fabric covering. This yields a flexible plane that can handle plus six to minus four G’s. Additionally, the Bush Cat comes from the factory in a zebra costume, which sets it apart from other bush-themed light sport airplanes.

One of the most significant advantages of the Bush Cat is its low build time. With a 250-hour build time, it’s the fastest kid plane construction you’ll find. The tricycle or tail wheel configuration and side-by-side seating make it easy to see over the nose on the ground.

Overall, the Bush Cat is a unique and affordable option for those looking for a bush-themed light sport airplane. Its alternative construction techniques and zebra costume make it stand out from the crowd. The black color scheme looks cool, but some improvements could be made, such as separating the flap stick and trim and adding a spring to the door.