Being a successful pilot is an ongoing learning process. To help you navigate the skies of knowledge, we’ve assembled a treasure trove of top-notch aviation resources.

Everything you’ll need, from must-have tools to comprehensive training materials, it’s all here!

Essential Aviation Kit

My recommended flight bag, aviation watch, logbook, headsets and more!

Gift Ideas For Pilots and Aviation Enthusiasts

Aviator Training Library

MS Flight Simulator Must-Haves

  1. HP Reverb G2
    • Valve speakers for sharp visuals and immersive audio.
    • Customizable Comfort: Includes Interpupillary distance (IPD) adjustment and ergonomic controllers for a perfect fit.
    • Broad Compatibility, Easy Setup: Supports SteamVR and Windows Mixed Reality, offering diverse VR content access and simple setup.
    Check Price
Lasso Brag

Keep in mind that these recommendations are here to guide you, not dictate your choices. Each one has been carefully researched and vetted to ensure they’re worthy of your consideration. But ultimately, you’re the captain of your flight – choose what best fits your journey.

Disclaimer: Just a quick heads-up, friends! As an Amazon Associate, I make a little something from qualifying purchases. So, some of the links you see above are what we call 'affiliate links'. Not familiar with the term? No worries! It's pretty simple - when you click on one of these links and make a purchase, Amazon shares a tiny part of the sale with me. Don't worry, this won't cost you any extra, but it goes a long way in helping keep our site's engines humming. It's a win-win situation - you get the best-in-class resources, and Pilot Passion stays airborne. Happy shopping, and even happier flying!

And remember, your greatest resource is right here on Pilot Passion, coupled with our newsletter packed with aviation tips and resources. Sign up below and embrace the helm of your aviation education.

It’s time to take off. Fly safely!