It seems like the whole world has been talking about the Trevor Jacob Plane Crash.

In a startling turn of events that rocked the YouTube community and aviation world alike, popular YouTuber and stunt enthusiast Trevor Jacob has been implicated in an audacious act of reckless grandstanding.

He now faces up to 20 years in prison.

The shocking revelations expose how Jacob staged a perilous plane crash to seize viral fame, turning the skies into his personal stage and a 1940 Taylorcraft BL-65 into a wreck.

This article delves into the intricacies of this unprecedented event, unraveling the meticulously planned charade that unfolded thousands of feet above the ground.

What Were The Tell-tale Signs That Trevor Jacobs Deliberately Planned This Plane Crash?

  • Trevor was already wearing a parachute during the flight, which is unusual for a general aviation pilot on a routine flight.
  • Jacob claimed he always wore a parachute while flying, yet a review of his previous videos shows this claim was untrue.
  • During the incident, Jacob did not appear to make any real effort to restart the engine.
  • Jacob had a selfie stick and multiple cameras set up in the aircraft, which is not typical unless a special event or stunt is planned.
  • Despite the presence of a flat, open area suitable for an emergency landing, Jacob chose to jump from the plane.
  • Jacob had a cylindrical object strapped to his left calf, which resembled a fire extinguisher. Typically, fire extinguishers are stowed in the aircraft, not on the pilot’s body.
  • The video footage did not show any shots of the cockpit panel that would have indicated the position of control knobs and switches at the time of the power loss.
  • Immediately after the crash, Jacob began documenting his hike from the crash site, which is an unusual response to a traumatic event.
  • Jacob returned to the crash site to remove and destroy the wreckage, an act that hinders a standard investigation into the cause of the crash.

Crash Course in Deception: Dissecting The Trevor Jacob YouTube Stunt

I obviously share the aviation community’s concern and disbelief at the recent revelation surrounding YouTuber Trevor Jacob. He is a pilot and skydiver who, in a shocking twist, has admitted to deliberately crashing his airplane in the California mountains back in November 2021.

The crash, which took place near New Cuyama, in Santa Barbara County, on the central coast of California, was initially presented as a harrowing tale of survival. Jacob documented the entire incident from takeoff at Lompoc City Airport to his intended destination of Mammoth.

He uploaded a 12-minute 47-second video to YouTube in December 2021 titled “I Crashed My Airplane,” depicting his supposed struggle after his aircraft’s propeller allegedly malfunctioned.

The video shows Jacob, alone in the cockpit, parachuting out of his plane after the engine supposedly cut out.

The plane was rigged with multiple cameras, capturing the event from various angles, giving an up-close view of the propeller appearing to slow and stop.

The footage then shifts to Jacob parachuting down, his selfie stick in hand, with his plane seen spiraling towards the ground. On reaching the ground, Jacob hikes to the crash site, documenting his journey through the wilderness before being found by a passing vehicle.

In a bizarre twist, the video footage reveals Jacob with a cylindrical object strapped to his left calf, concealed under his pants. This item bears an uncanny resemblance to a fire extinguisher, an item typically carried within the aircraft for safety reasons, usually not strapped to a pilot’s body!

This unusual sight, coupled with the lack of cockpit camera shots that could have revealed the position of essential control knobs and switches at the time of the alleged power loss, has further fueled skepticism in the aviation community.

Many viewers have commented that there seems to be a considerable amount of fuel remaining in the aircraft’s header tank, contradicting Jacob’s claim of a sudden engine failure.

Despite the potential for an emergency landing in a visibly flat, open area, Jacob chose to parachute out, adding another layer of intrigue to this already puzzling incident.

Behind the guise of a survival story, darker intentions lurked. Jacob has now admitted in a plea agreement that he never intended to land the plane that day. The whole event was a premeditated stunt, and Jacob had meticulously prepared for it.

The parachute, the selfie stick, the multiple cameras – all part of a script designed to thrill his YouTube audience of well over 100,000 subscribers. This spectacle had indeed worked, as the video had garnered more than 1 million views by January 2022. As of May 2023, the video has racked up 4.2 million views.

But the deception didn’t stop at the crash.

The original video uploaded by Trevor Jacob has been since set to private. Luckily, there are many videos that show the relevant clips such as this one.

Jacob, after reporting the crash to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) two days later, was informed that the wreckage must be preserved for investigation. However, in an obstruction of federal investigation, Jacob lied to the authorities about the location of the crash site.

In the days that followed, he returned to the site with a friend, airlifted the wreckage, and later destroyed it, scattering the pieces around Lompoc City Airport. This act of blatant disregard for federal regulations was a flagrant attempt to conceal the true nature of his actions and further obstruct the official investigation.

Jacob’s actions have sparked an outcry in the aviation community. The intentional crashing of an aircraft not only endangers the pilot’s life but also risks the lives of those on the ground.

As pilots, we are entrusted with the responsibility to prioritize safety above all else, both for ourselves and for those beneath our flight paths. Jacob’s reckless stunt stands in stark contrast to these principles, demonstrating a profound disregard for the trust placed in us as aviators.

Jacob’s pilot license was rightly revoked by the Federal Aviation Administration in April 2022. He is now facing serious legal consequences and could face up to 20 years in federal prison. This case serves as a stark reminder of the responsibility we bear when we take to the skies and the potential fallout when that trust is broken.

A Taylorcraft BL-65, similar to what Trevor Jacob was flying. Credit: FlugKerl2, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A Taylorcraft BL-65, similar to what Trevor Jacob was flying.
Credit: FlugKerl2, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Upon close examination of the video by eagle-eyed viewers, a number of elements raise suspicion about the authenticity of Trevor Jacob’s supposed engine failure and subsequent crash:

Parachute Ready: From the beginning of the video, Jacob was already wearing a parachute during the flight, which is unusual for a general aviation pilot on a routine flight.

Claims inconsistent with previous behavior: In his video, Jacob stated that he always wears a parachute when he flies, but a review of his previous flying videos shows this statement to be untrue.

No Real Effort To Restart: The video doesn’t show Jacob making any real effort to restart the engine. Also, he appears to tilt the nose up to stop the prop from wind-milling (for dramatic effect).

Selfie Stick and Cameras: He had a selfie stick and multiple cameras set up in the aircraft, which is unusual unless a special event or stunt is planned.

Lack of Attempt to Land Safely: Despite there being a flat, open area in the distance where he could have attempted an emergency landing, Jacob chose to jump from the plane instead. Winds on the day could have impacted glide speed, but still, he did look to be at a suitable height for an attempt at an emergency landing.

Fire Extinguisher: A cylindrical object strapped to his left calf, hidden under his pant leg, appears to have the same dimensions as a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers are typically stowed in the aircraft, not on the pilot’s body!

No Cockpit Shots: The footage did not show any shots of the cockpit panel that would have indicated the position of the throttle or mixture knobs, or the position of the magneto switch at the time of the power loss or after.

Immediate Documentation: After the crash, Jacob immediately documented his hike out of the crash site, an unusual response to a traumatic event.

Wreckage Removal: Jacob returned to the crash site to remove and destroy the wreckage, an act that hinders a standard investigation into the cause of the crash.

Together, these elements suggest that Jacob’s plane crash was not a genuine accident but rather a premeditated event meant to attract views and publicity.

The viewing public’s suspicions were proved correct when Jacob admitted in a plea agreement that the entire incident was a planned stunt. This admission was a part of a plea agreement signed in April 2023, wherein Jacob pled guilty to the charges of destruction of an aircraft and lying to federal investigators.

In a grand twist of irony, a stunt intended to increase viewership on Jacob’s YouTube channel has led to his downfall, with potential legal repercussions that could see him spending two decades behind bars.

As we delve into the nuances of this case, it serves as a stark reminder of the lengths people may go to for viral fame, often at the cost of their own safety and that of others.

Trevor Jacob’s reckless pursuit of internet notoriety has not only undermined the trust and safety principles ingrained in the aviation community, but it has also set a dangerous precedent for the kind of behavior that could be mistakenly glorified online.

Trevor Jacobs Sentencing

As the case stands in May 2023, Jacob awaits sentencing. The aviation community, YouTube viewership, and the public at large now watch closely to see how justice will be served. The sentencing will not only determine Jacob’s fate but will also send a strong message to others who might be swayed by the lure of viral fame at the expense of safety and ethics.

The FAA and NTSB continue their investigations into the incident, their findings expected to contribute significantly to ongoing discussions on regulation and oversight of amateur pilots and the potential impact of social media on aviation safety.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the intersection of social media and aviation, with many calling for stricter regulations regarding the use of aircraft for entertainment or stunt purposes.

This case has thrown into stark relief the dangers of prioritizing online clout over safety and the dire consequences that can ensue. The aviation community, in particular, has been shaken by this flagrant violation of trust and responsibility.

Trevor Jacob’s perilous flight for fame stands as a stark reminder to us all about the potential risks and repercussions of reckless behavior. As we venture into an increasingly digital age, where the quest for virality often eclipses rational judgment, everyone should take care to remember the importance of safety, integrity, and the respect for rules and regulations.

Timeline of the Trevor Jacob’s YouTube Plane Crash Video

00:00 – 01:10 – The video begins with Trevor Jacob in his plane, explaining that he’s flying over the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. He mentions that he’s carrying the ashes of his late friend, skydiving enthusiast and mentor, Robby Bigley, to scatter them in a beautiful location as a tribute.

01:11 – 02:50 – Jacob starts expressing concern about the plane’s propeller. The propeller can be seen slowing down and eventually coming to a complete stop. Despite the unfolding crisis, Jacob remains calm and continues his commentary.

02:51 – 04:00 – Realizing the plane won’t stay airborne, Jacob decides to jump. He secures his parachute and prepares to exit the plane. He opens the plane’s door, battling the wind, and prepares to leap.

04:01 – 04:30 – Jacob jumps from the plane, capturing the moment with a selfie stick. The plane spirals towards the ground behind him.

04:31 – 05:50 – Jacob free-falls and then parachutes towards the ground. He provides commentary throughout the descent, discussing his thoughts and feelings during this perilous moment. He also mentions scattering Robby Bigley’s ashes during his descent.

05:51 – 07:20 – Jacob lands safely and begins documenting his surroundings. He starts planning his hike through the wilderness to the crash site, providing commentary about his strategy and route.

07:21 – 09:00 – Jacob starts his hike, documenting the challenges he faces, including rough terrain and cold weather. He periodically updates the camera on his progress and his plans for reaching the crash site.

09:01 – 10:50 – Jacob finally reaches the crash site. He documents the wreckage and provides commentary on the state of the plane and his thoughts on what could have caused the alleged malfunction.

10:51 – 11:50 – Jacob starts the journey from the crash site, hoping to find a road or signal for help. He documents his journey, showing the challenges of navigating the rugged terrain.

11:51 – 12:47 – Jacob is found by a passing vehicle, ending his ordeal. He thanks the driver and the video ends with him expressing his relief at being found and his reflections on the harrowing experience.


What has happened to Trevor Jacob?

Trevor Jacob, a popular YouTuber, has admitted to intentionally crashing his airplane in Santa Barbara County, California, in November 2021. He orchestrated this crash as a stunt to generate views on his YouTube channel and to promote a sponsored product. Following the crash, he obstructed a federal investigation by lying about the crash site’s location and subsequently destroying the wreckage. Jacob’s pilot license was revoked in April 2022, and he now faces possible federal prison time for his actions.

What plane did Trevor Jacob crash?

Trevor Jacob crashed a Taylorcraft BL-65, a vintage single-engine light aircraft dating back to 1940. Jacob owned this aircraft, with the registration number N29508. The Taylorcraft BL-65 is known for its efficiency and simplicity. It’s a classic taildragger, a term used to describe an aircraft with a tailwheel rather than a nose wheel. Ideal for short field operations and cruising at low speeds, the BL-65 is cherished among vintage aviation enthusiasts.

What day did Trevor Jacob crash?

The intentional crash orchestrated by Trevor Jacob took place on November 24, 2021.

Did Trevor Jacob lose his pilot license?

Yes, Trevor Jacob’s pilot license was revoked by the Federal Aviation Administration in April 2022 due to his reckless actions and obstruction of a federal investigation.

Who was the YouTuber who jumped out of the plane?

The YouTuber who jumped out of the plane was Trevor Jacob, a pilot and skydiver, who staged the event as a stunt for his YouTube channel.

Why did Trevor Jacob crash his plane?

According to his plea agreement, Trevor Jacob crashed his plane intentionally to create content for his YouTube channel and to promote a sponsored product. His plan was to film himself ejecting from the aircraft and parachuting to the ground while his plane descended and crashed.

What are the legal consequences for Trevor Jacob’s actions?

Trevor Jacob has pleaded guilty to obstruction of a federal investigation, which could lead to up to 20 years in federal prison. His actions have also resulted in the revocation of his pilot’s license (private pilot certificate).

Final Thoughts

In the quest for digital prominence, the line between audacious entertainment and reckless endangerment can blur. The saga of Trevor Jacob serves as a stark reminder of this fact.

As we plunge deeper into the era of social media stardom, we should all remember that the pursuit of viral fame should never compromise personal safety, ethics, or the law.

In the unforgiving realm of aviation, the skies are not a stage for reckless bravado but a domain demanding respect, responsibility, and above all, safety. This case underscores the importance of adhering to these principles, casting a long, cautionary shadow on the potential perils of a fame-hungry digital culture.

Please stay safe out there, folks!