Aircraft deicing systems are essential for maintaining both safety and performance during flights in cold weather conditions. When ice forms on an aircraft’s wings, propellers, or other surfaces, it can greatly affect the aerodynamics and engine power of the aircraft, leading to potential risks and complications during flight. To effectively combat these issues, various types of deicing systems are used to prevent the accumulation of ice or to remove it once it has formed.

One common type of deicing system is the Weeping Wing, which utilizes small holes in the leading edge of the wing to disperse an antifreeze solution, preventing ice formation and buildup. Another popular system, the Heated Wing, employs thermal heating to warm the surfaces of the wing and prevent ice from sticking to it. Meanwhile, Pneumatic Boots provide deicing protection by utilizing compressor bleed air to inflate and deflate sections of the boots, breaking off accumulated ice.

Understanding the different types of deicing systems and their respective advantages is crucial for pilots, maintenance crews, and aircraft owners to ensure the highest level of safety and performance in cold weather conditions. As a result, these systems play an integral role in the aviation industry and its continued advances towards improving safety and efficiency.

Fundamentals of Aircraft Deicing Systems

Icing and Its Impact on Aircraft Performance

Icing is a significant concern for aircraft as it can severely impact their performance and safety. It occurs when supercooled water droplets in the atmosphere freeze on contact with an aircraft’s surface. The ice buildup increases weight and drag, while decreasing lift and in some cases, thrust. This is especially problematic for wings and leading edges, since the ice changes their aerodynamics, increasing drag and decreasing lift or propeller thrust1.

Deicing vs Anti-Icing

In aviation, it is essential to distinguish between deicing and anti-icing systems. Deicing systems are designed to remove ice after it has already formed on the aircraft’s surface, while anti-icing systems prevent ice from forming in the first place. Both of these systems play a vital role in maintaining aircraft performance and ensuring safety during flights through known icing conditions2.

Weeping Wing

Weeping wing systems, or chemical anti-icing, are often called liquid freeze point depressant systems3. In this method, the system disperses deicing fluid through tiny holes in the leading edges of wings to prevent ice from forming. The fluid effectively lowers the freezing point of water, stopping ice from sticking to the aircraft’s surface.

Heated Wing

Heated wing systems use electricity or hot air from the aircraft’s engines to warm the surfaces, preventing ice from forming. These systems can be classified into two types: electrically heated surfaces and hot air systems. Electrically heated surfaces use a conductive material embedded in the wing’s leading edge to provide heat, while hot air systems circulate hot engine air around cavities within the wing4.

Pneumatic Boot

In a pneumatic boot system, inflatable rubber boots are installed on the leading edges of wings and other critical components5. When ice forms on the boots, they inflate and break the ice’s adhesive bond, allowing the airflow to carry the ice away. This method is commonly used in general aviation aircraft and turboprop commuter-type aircraft.

Types of Aircraft Deicing Systems

Weeping Wing System (TKS)

The Weeping Wing System, also known as the TKS system (an abbreviation for Tecalemit-Kilfrost-Sheepbridge Stokes), is a popular chemical method for aircraft deicing. This system works by releasing a low-freeze point liquid, typically ethylene glycol, through a porous panel on the aircraft’s wing. The weeping wing system can function as both deicing and anti-icing equipment, depending on when the fluid dispensing system is activated.

The TKS system consists of:

  • A pump to distribute the deicing fluid
  • A distribution panel on the wings and other ice-prone areas
  • Reservoir for storing the glycol-based fluid

When activated, the deicing fluid is pumped from the reservoir and released onto the wings’ surface, preventing ice formation and helping to remove existing ice.

Heated Wing System

The Heated Wing System is an electro-mechanical deicing method that relies on electricity to generate heat within the aircraft’s wings. This system can be present in various forms, including:

  • Engine bleed air (hot air taken from the engines)
  • Electric resistance heating elements
  • Electro-Mechanical Expulsion Deicing System (EMEDS)
  • Thermawing technology

Engine bleed air is channeled through the wings, warming their surfaces and preventing ice from forming. Electric resistance heating elements generate heat by passing current through the elements installed within the wing structure. The EMEDS technology utilizes mechanical impulses to break and remove ice, while Thermawing relies on heated graphite foil to accomplish the same.

Pneumatic Boot System

Pneumatic Boot Systems use inflatable rubber boots installed on the aircraft’s leading edges to protect against icing conditions. These boots are composed of multiple layers of elastomers, with one or more air chambers between the layers, often shaped as stripes aligned with the boots’ length. When ice accumulates on the wings, an engine-driven pneumatic pump inflates the boots, causing them to expand and break the ice accumulations, enabling the airflow to remove the ice.

The main components of a pneumatic boot system include:

  • Engine-driven pneumatic pump
  • Inflatable rubber boots on leading edges
  • Air chambers within the boots
  • Control system for activation and regulation

These deicing systems are commonly found in general aviation aircraft and turboprop commuter type aircraft due to their efficacy and affordability. The pneumatic boot system provides a reliable mechanical-focused approach to combating icing conditions in comparison to the Weeping Wing and Heated Wing systems.

Important Components

Leading Edge Surfaces

One critical aspect of aircraft deicing systems is protecting the leading edge surfaces. These surfaces include the wings and horizontal stabilizers, which are vulnerable to ice buildup. Weeping Wing systems are a popular option for this task. These systems distribute a low-freeze-point liquid over the airplane’s surface to prevent ice accretion or remove existing ice layers. Through this method, airflow is maintained, ensuring the aircraft remains stable and responsive to control inputs.

Heated Wing systems, on the other hand, use electrical heating elements or engine exhaust heat to warm up the wing’s leading edges. This process melts any ice buildup and essentially evaporates the moisture, averting the risk of runback or ice formation further down the wing.

Lastly, pneumatic boot systems work by inflating a rubber boot on the leading edge surface. The expansion of the boot cracks and breaks the ice, allowing it to be carried away by the airflow.


The propellers are another critical component of aircraft that must be protected from ice buildup. Ice on the propellers can disturb propeller thrust and imbalance, which ultimately affects the engine’s performance. Propeller anti-icing systems typically use deicing fluid, electric heating elements, or engine bleed air to keep the propellers free from ice.

Airframe and Stabilizers

The airframe and stabilizers, which provide stability and control during flight, can also be negatively impacted by ice accumulation. To combat this, deicing systems are integrated into various parts of the aircraft’s structure.

Weeping Wing and heating systems can be used to protect these areas from ice buildup. The methods work similarly to those employed on leading edge surfaces. They either disseminate deicing fluid or provide heat to keep the airframe and stabilizers ice-free.

Ultimately, maintaining the integrity of leading edge surfaces, propellers, and the airframe/stabilizers is essential to ensuring safe flights in icing conditions. By implementing deicing systems like Weeping Wing, Heated Wing, and Pneumatic Boot, aircraft can maintain optimal performance and avoid the detrimental effects of ice buildup.

Operating Deicing Systems

Aircraft deicing systems are essential for safe flight operations in cold and icy conditions. They prevent ice formation on critical aircraft components, ensuring optimal performance and safety. The main types of aircraft deicing systems are Weeping Wing, Heated Wing, and Pneumatic Boot.

Carburetor Heat

Carburetor heat is a critical anti-icing system for aircraft with carbureted engines. When ice forms in the carburetor, it may cause a partial or complete loss of engine power. Operating carburetor heat involves warming the air entering the carburetor, melting any ice that may have formed and preventing further ice buildup.

Windscreen Deicing

Windscreen deicing systems ensure pilot visibility by preventing ice buildup on the aircraft’s windshield. These systems can be either electrically heated windshields or use a fluid spray bar to apply deicing fluid on the windshield’s surface. An electrically heated windshield uses embedded coils within the windscreen material to generate heat and prevent ice formation. The fluid spray bar, on the other hand, disperses a deicing fluid, such as TKS fluid, onto the windscreen’s surface, which lowers the freezing point and prevents ice accumulation.

Ice Detection and Sensors

Ice detection and sensors are crucial in aircraft deicing systems as they help identify ice buildup on airfoil surfaces and other critical components. Sensors detect ice formation and alert the pilot, enabling them to activate the appropriate deicing equipment. Some common ice detection systems include:

  • Stall warning sensors: These sensors detect aerodynamic changes that can be indicative of ice formation on wings and other surfaces, alerting the pilot before a potential stall occurs.
  • Visual ice detection: Aircraft may be equipped with devices that allow pilots to visually inspect for ice buildup on wings, tail surfaces, and engine inlets.
  • Vibrating probes: These sensors use vibrations to detect ice on the surface, alerting the pilot when the buildup becomes significant enough to affect the aircraft’s performance.

By employing different deicing systems, including carburetor heat, windscreen deicing, and ice detection sensors, pilots can ensure the safe and efficient operation of their aircraft in adverse weather conditions.

Reliability and Safety Considerations

When discussing different types of aircraft deicing systems, such as Weeping Wing, Heated Wing, and Pneumatic Boot, reliability and safety considerations are of utmost importance.

Weeping Wing Systems use a fluid-dispersing method to prevent ice formation on the aircraft surfaces. The low freeze point liquid that is dispersed helps in anti-icing as well as deicing, depending on when activated. However, it’s essential to be aware of fluid levels to maintain the system’s reliability. Additionally, a malfunction in the fluid dispersing system could lead to a loss of effectiveness, potentially affecting aircraft performance in icing conditions.

In contrast, Heated Wing Systems utilize electrical heating elements embedded in the wing surfaces to combat ice accumulation. As a result, they provide consistent and reliable anti-icing protection. However, the main drawback is that these heating elements can sometimes fail, creating irregular surface temperature zones, leading to uneven deicing, and potentially stall issues.

Pneumatic Boot Systems rely on inflatable rubber membranes installed on the leading edges of aircraft wings, which helps expand and contract to break off accumulated ice. These systems have a major advantage: they use compressor bleed air, ensuring a continuous supply of deicing protection. However, their effectiveness relies on the proper functioning of the boot’s expansion and contraction cycles. A malfunctioning pneumatic boot system could result in insufficient deicing, affecting the aircraft’s handling characteristics and stall margins.


  1. Ice protection system – Wikipedia ↩
  2. Deicing and Anti-Icing Equipment – AOPA ↩
  3. Chapter 15 Flashcards – Quizlet ↩
  4. Aircraft Anti-icing | Aircraft De-icing Systems – Siemens ↩
  5. In-Flight Icing: Aircraft Design for Icing – Deicing Systems – NASA ↩